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21 February 2025
Change Log - FIDELITY: Added Strong Mana Fluid and Divine Caldera spell
Slugar on Fidelity
98 Sorcerer
on 2023-01-11 20:41:53
FIDELITY: Added Strong Mana Fluid and Divine Caldera spell
From next server save:
- added strong mana fluids for mages
- added 'exevo mas san' for paladins
348 Master Sorcerer
on 2023-01-12 13:47:28
Not working
Where do we buy the strongs mana??? None NPC are selling it!

Thank you
266 Royal Paladin
on 2023-01-12 17:22:27
Not working to perform 'exevo mas san' - is this for tomorrows server save?

Thank you!
298 Master Sorcerer
on 2023-01-13 08:59:23
knight no attack damage
more attack damage for knights and utito tempo exori gran ico
333 Elite Knight
on 2023-01-14 05:03:21
Mages buff
IDK why buff only mages with strong mana potion when the ot is full or sorcer and none of paladin & knights because his very low damage
136 Elite Knight
on 2023-05-18 16:36:18
HAloo co jest z tym OTS, raz albo dwa razy w tygodniu nie dziala. ludzie traca dni pacca a tutaj nic nie jest dodawane. GM jestes?? czas na jakies zmiany
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